"With God’s power working in us, God can do much, much more than anything we can ask or imagine." --Ephesians 3:20, NCV
Last November, the Lord impressed upon my spirit that this verse, found in Ephesians 3:20, would be MY verse for the coming year, which is this year, 2014.
I really must say first that I am not one of those people who finds the BEST verse in the Bible, complete with blessings galore, to declare that "God Said" over my life. But I really felt Him speaking to me, that THIS would be my Ephesians 3:20 year.
Sidenote: I DO declare His promises and blessings over my life, those that are in the Word, but I don't add other statements (like, "God said THIS will be my year of blessing!") if I didn't get a direct word from Him.
We are midway through this year, and I can honestly tell you that I have seen Ephesians 3:20 in my life. And I want to record it here, so I won't forget what He has said and what He has done.
As I type this right now, I am sitting at the kitchen table of our new house--emphasis on OUR. For the first time in my life, I "own" my own home, as opposed to "renting." Though I do not declare negative statements over my life, I can honestly say that my sitting here, in this phenomenal home on this phenomenal property, is nothing short of a miracle.
I know what God has done.
When we sat there, signing the final "closing" documents, I noted the company: my husband, Psalm, the lady from the mortgage company, our lady realtor, and the lady from the abstract office. And, as I was signing page after page, I listened to them discussing their various churches. And I thought, "Thank you, God. You've placed me in the company of your kids."
Everything went smoothly--from the first initial bidding for the house to the moment they gave us the keys to now, as I write this.
I am utterly blown away by God.
Prayer of Thanksgiving: Thank you, Lord, for loving me. For loving all of your children and taking care of us. Thank you for speaking to us, walking with us, through all of life's struggles and victories. Thank you for being true to your Word and your Promises. Thank you, most, for your presence. And for patience and forgiveness when we just fail to "get it." We praise you for Who You Are. Because You are worthy of praise. My heart sings for You. My feet dance for You. My arms wave for You. My spirit rejoices in You. Always and forever, may the Lord God Almighty be praised.