Dream about the Rapture
October 29, 2014, 3:11 a.m.
Okay, here's as much as I can recall. I just shot up in bed with the knowledge of it.
I was telling ppl about Jesus, telling ppl that the time was near...
I was not alone. But as the dream progressed, the ppl of Christ were segregated, into one group, one place. (Hard to explain: but there was a clear location divide on followers and non-followers.)
Evil was increasing. (Things seemed to be changing rapidly--marked by the fact that the buildings and businesses were being remodeled, expanding, developing and I was often inwardly noting the passing of time. I don't know if this is significant.)
I was arguing MADLY with someone, intensely telling ppl about The Lord. We had to fight to be heard, and we did not stop telling ppl about Jesus. And I was arguing a point, the need for Christ, when I felt it.
It happened.
In a split second, with absolutely no warning (other than KNOWING and FEELING in my spirit the immediacy of His coming), my body completely disappeared (and I actually felt it, like it phased out, and then it reappeared in a new place. I could feel the "phasing," not unlike a "beam me up, Scotty," though there was NO warning, and it took a split second to happen) and then reappeared.
This happened, literally, in the blink of an eye.
And here's what I mean, split second: When the Rapture happened, I was still arguing with someone on earth about The Lord, about how short time was, about how they needed The Lord. I kept telling ppl they needed to get right with Christ. It was MID-SENTENCE when the Rapture happened. It happened so quickly that I felt it happening, but when I reappeared, immediately, I was finishing my sentence that I was making on earth. I was still in "argument mode" until I realized I had been raptured, that it had happened, and I was among God's ppl elsewhere.
And then I got REAAAALLY excited! This feeling of being Raptured was SO REAL that I was REJOICING and jumping with excitement! I was screaming (and I think I may have screamed in real life, waking myself up), "It happened! It happened! The Rapture happened! I felt it! It was REAL!"
I burst into tongues of PRAISE as I was emerging from the knowledge of dream-world.
Many of the details are sketchy, but I know the location of it all was downtown Poteau-ish, by a car lot. It was a business district-ish.
I remember that I was constantly talking to ppl, trying to tell ppl to get their hearts right. I felt an IMMEDIACY. During the entire dream, I was SPEAKING, not just plotting or observing or "doing." I was telling ppl. Talking to some, arguing or pleading with others. And the response to my efforts was, realistically, divided: Some were listening, some got their hearts right (and were making commitments, and joining us--physically moving from watching us to becoming one of us), but many jeered and many were non-committal.
But it didn't stop me from speaking.
Though this dream focused, clearly, on my own experience, I was not alone. Again, I want to reiterate that I was in a group of people, moving about (in the dream, we were hovering in one area together), that in our group, everyone was ACTIVE. No one was sitting down or apathetic. You were either for us and active, or not with us (apathetic or against us.)
I am absolutely and utterly blown away.