I suppose it started with the corporate fast Pastor Keith called at Covenant Church in January.
He called us to fast and food fast for a week.
In my fast, I did the following:
1. Started my MediFast diet plan, for a healthier life--& I am already seeing the results.
2. I stopped watching live TV & fasted Law & Order (I would come home and watch as many episodes that they would play, hour after hour.)
3. I started watching Bishop Jakes AT LEAST once a day and set my DVR to also record Christine Caine and Beth Moore.
4. I fasted Facebook and all social media.
When the week ended, I could already tell my spiritual life was being immediately impacted for the better. So I didn't want to stop.
I've stepped up my Bible reading, and I can feel His anointing on me, in an increased way.
Why would I want to go back?
Although, at times, I wonder if I have done the right thing in fasting social media (I now only get on minimally)--I am missing birthdays and wedding announcements and other cool moments in my friends' lives--but then I think about the trade-off, about how much easier it is to CONNECT with the Lord, to read the Word and feel like I don't have to pray through every time I open it to read it, to pray for people and feel His anointing flow through my vessel into someone else's.
To be closer to God, THAT is my heart. And that is why this fast will continue, for as long as He leads and moves in such ways.
For me, there is no questions about it: MORE OF GOD is my heart's desire.