"It's time to move."
I heard You whisper in my spirit.
The seasons are changing. It's everywhere. In everything I hear and see and do.
Reminders on memes, shirts, ads and billboards.
It couldn't be clearer.
It's a truth that has burrowed itself into my mind and spirit.
These days, ever-present.
What it means, exactly? I don't know.
No details were given, shared, conveyed, downloaded.
No pictures, no sense of KNOWING what we are to do.
No knowledge of WHEN, or HOW, or WHICH...
But THIS I know: I know WHAT You told me and I TRUST WHOLLY IN YOU.
You will tell us to take. that. first. step.
And when You do, that's PRECISELY what we will do.
(More to come later...I'm certain of it.)