Saturday, August 11, 2012

Project 68

"32% of the world's population is considered to be Christian."
--Mary Fairchild, "Christianity Today-General Statistics and Facts of Christianity"

So, nearly a third of the world is Christian, and this includes Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox Christians.

What of the other 68%?

I am interested in this statistic today, because it tells us that 2/3 of the world is NOT Christian, something other than Christian. This also tells me that Christians are a GLOBAL MINORITY.

Is anyone else alarmed by these numbers?!?

Project 68/Objectives:

1. To pray for the 68% of the global population that does not claim to know Christ.
2. To evangelize the 68% in whatever way God allows, by whatever means necessary.
3. To raise awareness amongst the 32% of those people claiming to be Christians on this planet.
4. To encourage cooperation and unity amongst the 32% of those people claiming to be Christians because we can accomplish so much more if we work together.

Project 68/Need Statement:

There is a need to pray.
There is a need to evangelize.
There is a need to raise awareness.
There is a need to cooperate in unity.


I don't know if this "project" will ever become a reality, like a Movement, but if it does, I think it would wonderful if, each year, the theme matched the need. God willing, Project 50 2015, Project 33 2050, Project 15 2060, Project Completed 2100.

Sure, it seems a little bit crazy, even to me. Absolutely. On our own? Certainly, impossible.


"With God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

So, who knows?

Shall we engage in a Movement then?

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