Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Church Planting Manual

During Bible reading this morning, I was reminded of the front cover of a local Baptist minister's Bible that I happened to notice when he sat it down next to me at a Ministerial Alliance meeting.

It was a thin-line Bible, brown leather cover, and on it, someone had had printed in gold letters: "Church Planting Manual."

It warmed my heart because this quiet leader, this well-known Man of God, had been the first to birth and build the largest Hispanic effort in our town, and perhaps area.

This man, though I don't know him personally at all, and he wouldn't even know my name, is someone I greatly admire and PRAY FOR. When I had heard that his own people were turning against him and leaving the church because of the Hispanic outreach, I drove down to the parking lot at his church and prayed over the work and over his ministry, in particular. I have a burden for this man.

Interestingly, since this time, he and my pastor have become close friends.

We are not alone. Never. God's people are united. Always.

Saying a prayer for this Man of God today, for encouragement, for renewed energy and vision in the work of our Lord. I pray over his family, for the generations of his family, and over the spiritual family and generations he has served, birthed, and raised in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ. May our Lord's Name be Honored Forever. Amen.

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