In moments, the Holy Spirit broke free in both of our prayers and He started speaking to me directly through my friend. I knew it was the Holy Spirit. Knew it.
Although it has now been over an hour and a half ago, I am going to do my best to record what was spoken over me in hopes that I never forget what God has spoken to me tonight.
One thing my friend said was that the waters are stirring. (I could feel the stirring around me, almost a cushion of wind surrounding me, and it felt like it was moving.)
Another: That I had stepped from shallow waters into a deeper depth.
(In between each of these statements, she would praise Him in her prayer language, and then speak again.)
Another: You have an increase of anointing. It is upon you, but not only upon you. It is upon your whole family.
Another: Your stage is getting bigger, taller. (She motioned with her hand making reference to the height of the stage.) For the Glory of Almighty God.
(Before I go on, I need to add that while this woman is a dear friend of mine, we have not had the closest relationship lately and she has no idea what I'm going through, struggling with, etc. This is important because what she said next was Divinely Given knowledge.
She said: You have been struggling against Negativity (she brushed my back, as if wiping something off of it), It is gone. (She later said that there had been "dark waters" but they were there no more).
She said: You have said things at home, in Anger (she brushed my back, again, in the same manner); No more.
She said: You have doubted God about your calling (again, she brushed my back, in the same manner); It is gone. No more fear. No more doubt.
She said: You are humble. (Something about how I am a servant-minded person, though that is not how she said it). That is why God is going to lift you up.
By the time my friend had stopped talking, I had fallen into a prayer position at the pew and was crying before The Lord. She had no idea how The Lord had used her, but He had. There was no doubt in my mind, and I knew that I had heard from Him this night.
I felt compelled to record this here.
As I sit in bed, typing this, I wanted to be certain that I mention what happened yesterday. I went to church to drop off the electric bills and I ended up talking to my pastor about an incredible revival he and his son had gone to. At this place, his son had received a Word from The Lord from a total stranger. I was tempted to go to the revival the next night (he had mentioned they were going), but I needed to order Psalm's cakes and I knew the rest of the family was tired and we didn't really have the time, energy, or gas money to go.
I remember thinking how much I wished I could receive a Word from The Lord like that, in such a way that you KNOW that you KNOW that The Lord Himself has spoken because nobody knows what's going on inside of you. Except for God.
And I must give Him praise right now, for hearing my heart's cry and answering my prayers.
Prayer of Praise:
Thank you, Lord, for answering my heart's need and cry for a Word from You. "Like the deer panteth for the water, so my soul pants for you." I needed you so badly, Lord. Thank you for meeting me in my need, in my place. Thank you for delivering me from evil. Thank you for caring enough to send my friend by with a Word from You. I cannot EXPRESS how much I love you for EVERY LITTLE THING, EVERY LITTLE DETAIL that You attend to. "Who is God that He is mindful of me?" Thank you so much, Creator of the Universe. I love you with ALL of my heart! Amen.