Sunday, September 21, 2014

More Than Tears: Dedicated to Two Little Girls

Last night, I saw two little girls
Cling to one another as their
So-called "caretaker" loomed over them.

A loathsome patriarch of some sort,
This man exuded every despicable
Characteristic conceivable in humanity.

The girls cringed when he spoke,
And I saw the older cling to the younger,
Holding on to one another as he derided them.

I wanted to help you, sweet girls,
Your faces worn--not warm--
Your bodies frail under layers of clothing.

My heart bleeds for you, darling girls;
The world would write you off--you,
Statistically, have barely a chance without...

A miracle.  That's what I pray for you,
Both of you.  Nothing short of a miracle,
I pray you are spared from this fate worse than death.

Worse than death:  Your small bodies,
Invaded by adult force--now empty shells of you.  
Your precious minds seared by hell's flames.

Worse than death:  Your deflated spirits--
Before anyone should ever have lost hope;
You are children shipwrecked by a dim reality.

I heard you say that you were twelve,
Your sister, cowering with a speech impediment,
Couldn't have been past six, could she?

Oh, how I longed to speak to you--
But you didn't need to hear from me:
You needed someone to redeem you.

There I stood with my two girls,
Very blessed girls, very lovely girls,
And I wept for you, silently, wept.

I declare now, to you, to the heavens,
That I want to do more than just shed tears--
I am begging God to show me how to help you.

And how many more of you are there?
Two little girls have changed my world--
And how many more of you are there?

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