Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Spiritual Bucket List: 2015

It's April, and I'm just now writing my "Spiritual Bucket List" for this year. Here it is:

1. Determine whether or not God is calling me to graduate school (seminary), to begin classes for my ordination with the Assemblies of God, OR to wait. (Clearly, when and as He leads, I will apply and begin studies ASAP.)

2. Compose a non-profit business plan for the non-profit organization God has laid on my heart. (And as soon as my budget is able, to begin applying for the rights/paperwork and ordering banners, stationery, etc., and beginning the work He has called me to.)

3. Write (or at least outline) a series of children's books. (I am currently praying for clarity on which age group is my target audience.) When the books are written, I will then proceed to contact publishers (and consider self-publishing) and illustrators.

4. Devise a yearly budget for the non-profit business AND the mission God is calling me to. (I have specifically been called to visit Africa and work with children. This isn't the only place I feel compelled to go to work with children. As soon as God opens the door, I will GO!)


1. To become MORE of a Soul-Winner. I want to be READY to, personally, lead people to the Lord this year. I don't want to just be READY, though. I want to personally lead people to Jesus Christ! God's Will be Done!

2. I am TRUSTING GOD and EXPECTING HIM for supernatural expansion in my budget. I am asking God for a $10,000/year addition to my current yearly budget. This money will go SPECIFICALLY toward these items in my Spiritual Bucket List, PERIOD.

3. To continue to live in HOPE and EXPECTATION for the future, to love people like He wants me to love them, to grow in Christ.

In the next three years;

If I do not have victory in my budget/salary within the next three years, I will begin, as God leads, to get rid of overhead debt. If we have to sell our beautiful home, then so be it. (We should have enough equity to sell in the next two and a half years.) If God does not supernaturally do a work in our budget, then I will assume it is up to me to find the money in what we have already been given. (I am THAT CONVINCED that He has a work for me to do.) It is my HOPE and EXPECTATION that it will not take three years to experience SUPERNATURAL INCREASE in my budget. But, if it has not happened in three years, I will begin the "downsizing" process so I/we may follow the Call of God on our lives. NOTHING is more important than what HE is calling me to do. I know that He is coming soon, and I want to do all I can to spread the Good News of Christ and His Love to children EVERYWHERE--in the U.S. and abroad.

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