Monday, April 27, 2015

The Vision by David Wilkerson (1973)

Notes from the Audio Recording of David Wilkerson talking about his vision, which becomes the subject of the book, THE VISION.

Title: "David Wilkerson--The Vision." Accessed on YouTube.


Five Calamities:

1. Worldwide Recession caused by Economic Confusion
A few more flourishing years. Then recession. World economists lost to explain. Germany to Japan to U.S. Large corporations bankrupt, many churches bankrupt. Use the next few years to prepare for financial crises

2. Nature having labor pains
Worldwide disasters. More frequent, more intense. Major earthquakes, worldwide famine. Food supplies dwindled, people starving. Cosmic storm as raging fire in sky. Tornado, Hail storms, floods, hurricanes--people will admit these occurrences are supernatural.

3. Flood of filth and baptism of dirt in America
Abominable filth. XXX after midnight on cable. R rated movies on network TV. Newsstands worse than Playboy. Sex ed using animated cartoons. Films about sexual intercourse. Floodgates swing open. Filth vomited out.

4. Rebellion in the home.
Hatred toward parents. Parents die at children's hands. Parents give them what they choose to keep them home. Will not communicate with children. Bigger problem than drug addiction.

5. Persecution Madness against Spirit Filled Christians who Love Jesus Christ:

Jesus told us Holy Spirit would come; predicted persecution for believers. (John 15:18) Separate true believers from the false. 2 Tim. 3:12 Go all the way if you're going to be a charismatic Christian!

A. Come as madness on earth, as never before witness. Rise like many headed monster out of sea. Slowly, subtlety. Spread to entire world. Antichrist spirit. Government, spiritual wickedness in high places. Harassment. Evangelical missionary projects, programming, so closely monitored, questioned and badgered. Worried about moving.

B. Rising super world church and formation of world council. Union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and Catholics to create powerful religious formations on earth. Start as charity, end as political union. Super visible, spiritual in name only. Antichrist in many activities. Social action, charity and ministry of compassion. Call for social action, greater voice in world affairs. Mysterious chain of events. Pope more political than spiritual. Protestants receive concessions.
Invasion of people in Super Church, political. Leadership says one thing, people under them persecuting everyone who doesn't comply.
Homosexuals and lesbians welcomed to the super church union. Welcomed and encouraged to continue in lifestyle. Ordained ministers, given authority. Heralded as new breed of pioneer evangelism. All around the world. Homosexual churches receive full recognition from denominations. Under guise of love and "understanding." Church literature will confirm their lifestyle as Christian.
Nude dancing in the church, seen as artistic worship. Many given to reprobate minds. Mental illness that cannot be explained. No treatment. Not widespread, but accepted as legitimate expression of worship.
Condone practice to remake devil, bland, not feared. Seances will replace prayer meetings. Intrigued by supernatural occult. Ministers who are not close to Jesus will be very close to the devil. Satan's messengers trying to get people to think--do not fear Satan. Fortune telling, etc. widely accepted.
Rise of another super church--the invisible church, the true church. Bonded church, underground, true believers--Catholics and Protestants, all colors. Grow tremendously in spiritual power--drive them closer together through persecution. Less about denomination, more about the Coming of Jesus Christ (this is what ties us together). This church already exists. Politically invisible. Persecution more intense, these become radical--supernatural Holy Ghost power to preach to world.
Persecution for charismatic Catholics. Face the worst persecution of all. Political pressure placed on priests to snuff out Pentecostals and call for purging. Slow trend, but momentum--persecution from within own church. Pentecostals appear to be a threat. More than 500,000. They will be accused of lacking social concern, negating authority of pope, turning away from Virgin Mary. Catholics and Protestants will come out from among them--"Renewed Christians." Fellowship based on God and Jesus Christ, not "speaking in tongues."
Persecution through media struggle. Sound of change. Doors will open elsewhere, though closing here. Will close again and horrible persecution.
Satan has declared war on ministers of Jesus Christ. Refuse to cheat on wives, refuse "new morality"--targeted. Devil raise up gossip-mongers to align against you. Ridicule, gossip, misunderstanding. Every statement examined and cross-examined. Pastors of churches--innuendos, lies, false statements. Demonic power. Wives also under attack. Legions of lying spirits. To rob them of faith and ministry. All spirit-filled believers will be attacked like this.

Fulfilled in this generation, not at same time.

[Closing Comments:]

Open eyes. Look up and rejoice. Your redemption draweth nigh.

Vision of calamities, frightened me. Kept up night after night. How are we supposed to do all we are supposed to do when this is happening? Buy farm and ride out storm? Give up?

Holy Spirit said five words: GOD HAS EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL.

Judgment is coming. Will get more intense until the Kingdom comes.

Don't fear: Say, "That's my God talking...He's saying GET READY!"

Even the devil is under HIS control. Devil's power is limited. Even a baby Christian can put him to place.

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