"You may be anointed for a level, but not yet appointed to that level. God will transform you into that which He’s appointed you BEFORE you occupy that position. Wait on God’s transformation."
--T.D. Jakes Ministries on Facebook, July 3
I love this quote.
This morning, as I sit here reading and re-reading it, I can't help but wonder:
God, what have you anointed me to do that I have not yet been appointed to do?
(What have I not yet been anointed to do that you will anoint me for?) or (What have I been anointed for that I've forgotten or just don't realize?)
Am I supposed to know this ahead of time?
I don't really sit around and think about what God's anointed me or appointed me to do. (Should I?)
When I think of the young man David, who got called out of his pasture and awkwardly brought in to be seen of the Prophet, in front of his brothers and father, then doused with olive oil and declared Anointed Servant of God, and then sent back outside in the hot sun to continue the same job he had, working with the sheep, I think, "Um...., I wonder what HE thought about being anointed and appointed...?!?"
But the thing about THAT David...the David in the pasture, sitting there NOT watching His sheep for those long moments afterward, rather wiping the smooth parts of his eyes and mouth and skin where all of that oil HAD been, had poured over him, from head to floor...is that despite that supernatural Moment of Anointing, he just went out afterward and kept doing what he knew to do.
"He kept doing what he knew to do." I can relate to that.
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