Monday, July 9, 2012

This Day [Not] Like Any Other

This day began like any other ordinary summer day. I woke up, straightened the house, figured bills for the rest of the summer, and wrote out my lengthy "To Do" list. I thought I knew what kind of day it was going to be.

After all, I had it all recorded in a bullet list on the back of an envelope.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I noticed the pile of passport applications sitting in the living room by the stereo.

"I wonder..." I thought.

I got out all of the paperwork and started assembling all of the necessary documents that I knew I needed to have in order to apply officially for the passports.

"I have everything...?!?"

Passport applications. Official birth certificates. Social Security cards. Drivers Licenses. Yes. I had it all.

"Stephen," I said, looking up at my husband. "Do you think we can run into Ft. Smith today to get our passports? I think we have everything."

"I guess so," he said. "We need to go to Sam's anyway."

By mid-morning, I realized that this day could NOT be like any other day.

Sure, everyone acted normally. The girls were playing and fussing and laughing and pestering one another, just like always. It had started to rain outside and Stephen had a headache. I started getting ready, wondering if we were going to leave in time, if this was really meant to happen "today."

No one would be able to tell by looking at us that something spectacular was about to happen.


Just after 3 p.m. today, at a post office in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Stephen, Psalm and I purchased our U.S. passports.

Although there were no loud celebratory exclamations by USPS staff our my own family, and no one around us seemed to notice us, let alone the importance our purchase, I was aware of a knowledge deep within me:

A Spiritual Marker had been placed.

A Vision had been realized.

A Promise had been fulfilled.

The Future looked brighter.


In about 4-6 weeks, God willing, I will have my passport; Stephen will have his passport; and Psalmie will have her passport.

And then, as a family, we will be ready to go WHEREVER God calls us.

There is no going back now.

(I am trembling, I am so excited.)

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