It's official: We're going to Project Gideon 2013!!!
I am totally excited...Again!!!
I cannot attempt to express what the 2012 conference did to this soul. Only God knew how desperately I needed the instruction, the prayer, the anointing.
After we received the confirmation that we would be attending next year's conference, Stephen and I started reminiscing about its lasting effect on our lives.
"I was so in need of that. My spirit needed it," I said to him.
He agreed.
"It was like water to my soul," I said.
And then I thought of her. The woman at the well. You know, the infamous Samaritan woman of John, chapter 4?
I found myself blurting out, "Is this what happened with the woman at the well? Is this what Jesus was saying to her? Is that what she felt like, in that moment?"
This woman no one gave any mind to--save to discount or slander her, I'm sure--was probably worn out that day, filling and lifting heavy water containers and transporting them in the hot sun. She'd half given up on life and love and religion, though she apparently maintained that whole "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again" philosophy. And there she was, just putting one foot in front of the other, doing what she knew to do, until she ran into Him.
John 4:13-15: Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water [from the well] will be thirsty again, / but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” / The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”
What happened at Project Gideon for me, for Stephen, was something similar. God moved through that conference, filling us with His Spirit in a way that has somehow changed our core. Unlike many "experiences," this one has not subsided or "worn off." The instruction, the prayer, the anointing has only intensified.
What will God impart at the well to this girl in 2013?
I'm prayerfully anticipating every move of God's Spirit.
Thank you. This will be my first time and I really want my husband to come. I just know this would be the chance that I would hear from the oracles of God and be filled. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing this. I am overjoyed to know I will to share in this great joy and full-fill-ment from Christ through Bishop!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!