Q & A
February 13, 2014
1. How do you do everything you do when there are so many moving parts?
It's not me doing it; it's my team
Wherever there's a challenge, there's a director; surround with leaders
Leading from top, not from bottom
The more complicated my life gets, more structure necessary
Don't take on more tasks than you have structure; consider lucrative; do you have enough resources to respond to needs
Fishing with rod and reel vs. net
2. Strategy of Effective Ministry Pre Dallas (Princeton seminary student)
Don't hire too many ppl; most work through consultants
Contractors--utilize only time needed
Small town, normalcy at home while chaos every where else
I came home to normalcy
Strategic enough to preach in places that had camera
Transition period to go through
Storefront and on nationwide TV and didn't own a camera
3. Illinois, First Christian 103 years; community impact
Protected externally
Campaign time, allowing politicians?
What is policy?
I need effective relationships; goals be protector
Meet with the person, have lunch, ask questions about policy
Bishop: I've never endorsed a candidate
Be able to access any leader without being owned by any leader
4. NY, Upper Room
How do you decipher God-given goal and ambition? Establish what God wants and what you wants?
Command of Word of God
We all struggle with this; the further you go, the more he purges your motives
Ambition is not bad thing
What God has ordained for you to do, he equips you to accomplish
He equipped me to be a preacher
CORE AND SKILL SET: what he put in your warehouse
Some things God gives because you want them. Not bad to have accomplish
Lord, is this something that would hinder what you have for me
5. Wisconsin
What do you do when it's not in the house?
"In the house"--in your reach; it's coming within your reach
Don't allow church ppl to limit your influence
Your influence can exceed your congregation
God will give you ppl on the outside to best serve your church
Ask who you do have how much time and energy they can donate
Set up separate 501 3c (?) Don't always need the church to do everything
Don't take their criticism to be God's denial
Greater your haters, becomes a badge--they noticed you
Things in community to help ppl: look at grants, donated time, start
Many ppl lose their fire over ppl who will be dead in years; work outside
Jesus crucified outside the camp; his real work was done away from synagogue
6. Guy w/ accent I can't understand
How do you hear from God and do business?
Paul tentmaker
Jesus -- Peter was fisherman
Jesus picked all business ppl and make them preachers
tax collector, not one rabbi did he pick
Occupy until I come; "do business until I come"
Balance is something we all struggle with
Don't take on more of anything than you are able to manage
Be true to yourself
I was a man before I was a pastor; you define me as pastor
Generations of business owners
Industrious tribe: business
Being true to who I am
Jesus brought me to kingdom to do business for him
BiBLE: 29 million viewers; learning to be wise and have influence in the gates where decisions are made; if you have that calling; my ppl like children dancing in the market place
Church suffers when it does not do business
If you are bold enough and inclined to do business
Business acumen
Be true to what's in you;
What's in you? Do it til He comes
7. Know what you're not: Greenwood, Mississippi
Mom died she and sister inherited church
Run, don't look back
Your mother lived her life; you don't have to inherit her life; you have right ot your life
Not called; injustice to ppl and to you
You have a right to live your life to follow your dreams
8. Orlando Florida; keys to longevity in ministry and family
Start at root and core of who you are
Our generation didn't train your generation
Young generation thinks it's easy
Underestimated how tough it is: ministry, marriage,
You are into the thrill--but what happens when the thrill is gone?
HIgh and low places
YOu endure until it comes back again
You will go through winter.
Level of endurance has not been taught
If you have lost your family, you lose community and church and then country
Learn to stick it out. Go home every night.
Younger generation doesn't see pain of it.
Pain is more treacherous to bear when you're not sure you're supposed to have it
Woman in labor--if she expects the pain, she knows it's part of process and deals with it. If doesn't think painful, she thinks something's wrong
We advertise the baby but not the labor
Too many give up when labor happens
There is always struggle
We didn't see you in the store front, frying chicken
We married the destination, but not the transportation
Without pain is how to sustain it
If you saw what I suffered, you would know how I sustained it
We had earned our help
You can't start a ministry at top
You learn something in the suffering that equips you for the
Children who inherit wealth without struggle go through the money, no strenth to hold on to it.
You're grown.
You're not in training. This is your moment. This is your time.
Stay connected.
It's your time. You're up to bat.
MLK Jr. didn't even live to see 40.
I had built PH in my 30s
This is your season.
Put away childish things. Take reigns into future.
Many of you are on verge of doing it.
Get rid of things so you can focus.
I put away childish things...
Is there anything you need to put away for God to be able to use you the way he wants to use you? Distractions? Are you focused? Blame you, not others. Now is the time to go after your goal and accomplish your dream.
You're gonna blink and be me.
You're that close to Too Late
Takes 10 years to get things together.
You don't have time to waste. If you are not gifted ppl: you wouldn't be here.
You invested in yourself b/c you believe in yourself; you want something to God for yourself.
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