Monday, January 5, 2015

Morning Devotion Time: Isaiah 29:13

"Wherefore The Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men." Isaish 29:13 KJV

"The Lord says, "These people worship me with their mouths, and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  Their worship is based on nothing but human rules."  Isaiah 29:13  NCV

Of all the days to start my morning devotions again, the verse of the day on my Bible app is this one--a verse I know I've written a blog about before.  So, instead of going to something else, or using something I may be able to use for the Wednesday night message, I am going to assume that this is no coincidence and seek The Lord for additional insight this morning on this verse.

Clearly, this verse is a reminder to me about how it is not enough to SAY I love The Lord and live for Him; it is not enough to sing it or declare it even, if my HEART is not right (or near) Him.

I also enjoy looking at the difference in the Bible versions here.  I believe that my last reflection of this verse centered on the NCV--but the KJV has a phrase or two of interest that gets dropped by the NCV:

1.  FOR AS MUCH:  "Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth..."  The first word tells us that these people--notably not "my people"--often, frequently draw near to him with their words.  They are not "once a year" churchgoers.  They go often, they declare their honor and love of The Lord, on many occasions.  But there is a problem:  their hearts are not in it.  Or, to be more accurate, their hearts are nowhere NEAR Him.

Are they aware of this?  Do they have any idea that The Lord does not claim them as His own?  Or do they think it's enough to do what they are doing?  

2.  TEACHERS:  "Their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men."  This phrase, also not in the NCV reveals a criticism of the way the people are taught about The Lord--clearly they have been taught or discipled to follow The Lord incorrectly.  It is "Man Centered" instead of "God Centered."  And the people are following what they've been taught and they are being led down a path that SEEMS like they know and follow The Lord, but clearly The Lord says that is not what they are doing.  They are following the ideas of men, not the ideas of God.

It's a fake road, a fake existence.  It is deceptive.  It looks right and may feel right, and may even be--to some or many--their honest attempt to do right, but it's not right. I am wondering why The Lord has brought me to this verse again this morning, as I begin my  devotions again this year in this format, hoping I can be more disciplined if I use my blog...

I NEED TO BE CAREFUL to seek the approval of God and not the approval of people--whoever they may be.  I need to make sure that what I do is what HE has led me to do.  

He sees us, what we deal with and what we have to work in--the environments and constructs in which we must find a way to serve Him.  Everything we are enmeshed in in this life is a human construct:  our jobs, roles in society, norms, etc.  And to be effective, I must do my best to respect others and make headway in a sometimes limiting environment.  To be more accurate, it is an extremely limiting environment, one of which we are not even often aware.

I NEED TO SEEK HIM.  I need to let these words play over and over in my spirit, as I do not want to be the person in this verse:  someone who is far from Him.  Someone who, in the end, "knocks at the door...and He says, 'Depart from me; I know you not.'"  (Matthew 7:23)

[And time is up. Time to get dressed for work.  Much to think about this morning.]

My Prayer:
Lord, You know my heart is to serve You and worship You and spend this life--and the next--with You, in Your presence.  Thank you so much for this reminder and please correct my paths if they need correcting.  Illuminate my wrong-doings; help me to get on Your path--not my own or someone else's. I don't want to be in the good graces of men if it means not being in Your good graces.    

Forasmuch as I honor You, I do not want to "miss You."  Please take my heart and renew it today.  Help me to SEE CLEARLY what You have for me to do, hear, speak, say.  I want to be on the right path TOWARD YOU.  Nothing is as important as pleasing You.  Nothing is as important as living the life you have designed for me.

In Christ's Name, I pray.

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