Thursday, January 22, 2015

Response to OK Senator's Question

This morning, I received an email from an Oklahoma Senator asking me to complete a survey about what I think are our nation's most important issues. At the end of the survey, I was asked to write what I felt was most important for this Senator to remember as he served his term.

I'm not usually someone who completes such surveys, for one reason or another: lack of time, serious questioning of the survey's motives, seriously doubting whether or not (or how) the survey will be received. Yet, this time, I decided to respond, and the words seemed to easily flow.

I copied the response I gave him and pasted it here, so I could remember what I said to him:

Seriously? First, PRAY continuously for direction. You are in an influential position--and I do not believe that is by accident. You are positioned where and as you are "for such a time as this." I still believe in a God that will lead and guide leadership if He is allowed to. I still HOPE to believe that our country is not in its last years, but, through right choices of leadership in key positions, on the brink of proving we have what it takes to thrive for countless generations. Second, COOPERATE with people who are seriously interested in the good of the country: whether they are "Democrats" or "Republicans." I represent a generation of voters who consider themselves MODERATE. I represent a generation of voters who would register INDEPENDENT if they were allowed to vote freely. I vote for the PERSON, not the party. I voted for YOU. I realize there are proverbial "hoops" through which party members are expected to jump, but it is my hope that our leadership will cooperate with others, not for the sake of cooperation, but for the sake of GETTING THINGS DONE. Third, "STICK TO YOUR GUNS." That's an Oklahoma way of saying, don't allow people to bully you. Stand for what you believe, no matter what. You have a good idea of your constituency: don't be afraid to speak for us, fight for us, no matter what anyone says. I represent a generation of voters who don't trust politicians because they say one thing one day and something else another day. I may not agree with you on every position, but I will RESPECT a person who "sticks to his/her guns" because they believe in their position. Best wishes to you. Thank you for soliciting our opinion. That matters. God Bless You.

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