Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Genesis of This New Journey

Well, I must begin by saying that this incredible journey started nearly a decade ago.  Most certainly, I can trace its development prior to that, but as I look back, I can see that it really "got going" then.

It was on one of two missions trips to Mexico that I met an individual who spoke over my life in profound ways.  I had never met this man before, and he literally spoke over my life in ways that only God could have directed.

One of several things he said to me was that I would "speak to children of the nations."  Of the other things he said, nearly all of them have come to fruition.  And I thought this one had come true, as well.  Until last Saturday.

I thought, perhaps, as global as our world is, that perhaps he had been referring to the international "children" I speak to in my college classroom.  Though grown, they are someone's children, a nation's children, still growing, developing.  Surely that's what God meant.

Or maybe it was when I spoke in Ireland to a group of young women.  Surely that was what God had meant and intended.  I had spoken into their lives that day, addressing issues every woman deals with, no matter where on this globe they were raised or live.

Maybe God had been referring to the church where I attend--where, weekly, dozens of Hispanic kids, second generation Americans, attend on Wednesday nights.  But I really didn't speak into their lives.  I didn't even teach a class for kids.  But perhaps I would be teaching them at some point?  Working with the Children's Church on a regular basis?  Maybe helping with VBS once a year counted?

Apart from thinking about that prophecy, directly, I have wavered for months/years about whether I should go into public school teaching in hopes of directly impacting more kids.  I have really struggled with that, and have debated back and forth on what is best for me, my family, my budget.

This past September, I started teaching After School at Psalm's school on Fridays--and any other rare day they need me.  I don't teach Psalm; rather, they placed me with 4th-5th graders, usually numbering five or six kids.  It's a small group and perfect.  I am enjoying, thoroughly, this new opportunity, and wondering what part this has to do with God's Master Plan for my life.  I knew God had opened THIS door for me, although I hadn't really related it to the prophecy.

But what about the prophecy?

Honestly, I do not think about it all the time or even often.  Every now and again, I feel led to pull out my journal, read the prophecies contained within it, and reflect on what God has done and how He has done it and what He is or may be doing right now, at this present time.  

There have been a number of things that have, ultimately, culminated in the series of events that started last Saturday.

I think of the terminally kids who have sought me out in the strangest of venues.

I think of the way I've collapsed into tears over the injustices to children that I've seen and had to endure helplessly in public.

I think of the burden I have carried for the kids of our area and our PFA Children's Building project.  I have been begging God to help me find a way to donate to the cause.

And then there are the dreams...

Three people have come to me--people who don't know each other at all--and told me that they see me having a child, a son.  One says she sees me holding a child's hand.*

And then there was last Saturday....

After I had witnessed three separate children being yelled at, senselessly, by their adult caretakers, I cried and prayed about what to do.  "God, why do I keep seeing these things?  My heart is BREAKING.  I don't want to go to Walmart ever again if I have to endure such things.  This breaks my heart and I can't stand it!"

It was then, and my drive to Ft. Smith from the Sallisaw Walmart, that altered the course of my life.

I knew I had to do something.

"But what?  Whatever could I do?!?"

"How can I make an impact on the lives of kids?"

Non-profit.  Start a non-profit.

"Start a non-profit?...Me?!"

I had no idea what on earth that would entail.  How could I?  I have ZERO business experience, less tax/government could I do this.

"Maybe I'm hearing it wrong..."


This came to my mind as clear as day.

"That's what I'm supposed to call it?"

And I could envision it all--in an instant.  I saw the website, our first projects.  I saw my contacts, volunteers, all of the possibilities for the future.

"THIS is what you want me to do?"

And I came home and started doing preliminary research.  I checked to see if my web address had been taken:  it had not.  

So, if all goes well and God's in it, the non-profit I'm starting to impact children locally and nationally and globally, will be called:  "For the Children Ministries."  

If you are reading this, please say a prayer for me, that God will lead and guide me.  I don't want to miss His Will in any way on this upcoming journey.

I know God has BIG PLANS.

Let it be, Lord!

* This is the symbol I want to use for the non-profit letterhead, etc.:  an adult holding the hand of a child.  I would like for it to be based on me and Psalm, and rendered in shadow.

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