Tonight, our Pastor urged us to contemplate the next 25 years.
He had people stand up if they thought they would not live to see the next 25 years. Several people in the congregation stood.
Next, he had everyone else stand. And then he asked, "Where will you be in 25 years? What will you have accomplished?"
He urged us to think about our lives, what we're running toward, what we're most passionate about, and then he reminded us that at the end of this road, what matters is that we are ready to meet our Maker. "Because, at the end of our lives, that's all that will matter. Not our houses and cars. Not how cute we are. But how we spent our lives. Whether or not we know Christ."
As he was talking, urging people to commit the next 25 years of their lives to the Cause of Christ, I did a little addition in the margin of my church notebook.
In 25 years, I will be 66 years old. Psalmie will be about to turn 30.
I know how quickly the last 25 years have gone, and I can only imagine how quickly the next set will go. It will literally fly by.
What will happen in the next 25 years? Where is God going to take me? Use me?
Will He have come by then to get us?
The Pastor's words began to really sink in. Time really is fleeting.
I know I don't have much time left. And I want to serve Him in the capacity He has planned for me. I want so much to fulfill the Divine Destiny He has for my life.
These days, I realize that whatever happens, He will have to do it; he will have to open the doors and lead me there. I am doing my best to think, think, think about how to be on top of things and to be ready, but ultimately, I'm praying my brains out that He will lead me down the RIGHT paths, the BEST paths, for His Name's Sake.
I don't want to make a wrong turn. At my age, I really cannot afford to. I don't have all the time in the world anymore to make wrongs right. I'd like to get it right the first time.
I know that this is impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit. I cannot do ANYTHING without the Lord's help, for sure.
But I just want to do ALL I CAN to be the woman of God He has planned for me. And to give Psalm all the tools she needs to be the woman of God He has for her to be, as well.
My destiny is certainly tied to hers. I feel a great weight of responsibility for her. Every move I make impacts and influences her life.
I am also coming to the understanding of what "being one" means with my husband, Stephen. I am no longer making decisions for myself. Our destinies are linked together--divinely so. So whatever God is calling Me to, He will call Stephen, as well.
I don't know what 25 years will bring in my life...but I hope, when tomorrow comes, it will all be rewarding and TO THE GLORY OF GOD.
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